Effective ways to make every day the best day of your life

Shrijana Ghimire
4 min readJan 26, 2021

Ever woke up feeling demotivated, stuck, and unsure how to get the myriad of things happening around you in order? Yes, I was there too! Let’s get past that, right here, right now!

Answer these three questions and challenge yourself to move beyond the limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you.

What is your intention for the day?

Setting a daily intention in the morning is a powerful technique to start your day on a positive note. This isn’t tricky. Pick a word that matches the vibe you want to carry. Form an affirming sentence with that word and say it out loud to yourself. Then, do one action that adheres to your intention.

Here is an example:

Intention: I want to be resourceful today.

Action: I am writing this article with the same intention. After figuring out what separated my good days from bad days, I couldn’t help but spread the word in hopes that you may find it useful and benefit from it.

If your intention for the day is to be happy, start executing your intention by forming a smile. :)

What is your element of joy today?



Shrijana Ghimire

I like experimenting with habits that lead to fulfillment and happiness. I am an artist, a writer and an engineer.